Focusing on the future as we have always done Our history is really about the future. Being prepared for society's needs and challenges has always been the foundation of our business. From the Industrial Revolution to today's global urbanisation trend, we know that the communities and cities of tomorrow will always be different from those of yesterday and that it will remain our job to stay one step ahead. Find out more
One Code, our code of conduct Our code of conduct has been designed to help understand our core values and the responsible behaviour expected of them to support these values.Our code of conduct provides guidance and support for every KOVAC architecture and design person when undertaking their work. It draws together all of our longstanding policies and procedures into one, simple to follow guide. Provides a set of guiding principles to follow when faced with an ethical dilemma. These principles act as a signpost to help do the right thing. Ask a question
Responsibility Transparency and responsibility are prerequisites for KOVAC architecture and design continued success as a decentralized company which has grown faster than most. We understand our client's needs and expectations on every project we deliver, whilst using the experience and professional in house services with technical innovation and sustainable construction solutions Get in touch